责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:171次    时间: 2024-03-29 11:01:38    | 来源:中国石化报 作者:潘亚男 苟清强 俸艳芸   


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Recently, the new BHL catalyst independently developed by Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry successfully completed the first industrial application test in the ADL ring polyethylene process unit of Total Refining and Chemical Co., LTD., and its comprehensive performance comprehensively surpassed that of imported similar catalysts.

The Total ADL process has high requirements for catalyst performance and has previously used imported patented catalysts. For Total ADL process, BHL catalyst, a new type of high-performance titanium catalyst, has been developed for many years. During the test, the team of Zhongke Refining and Chemical and Beihua Institute worked closely together, the catalyst was switched smoothly, the production process was smooth, and the product parameters were adjusted in a record 16.5 hours. Compared with the imported catalyst, the activity of BHL catalyst is increased by 10%~20%, the hydrogen conditioning performance is stable, the copolymerization performance is increased by more than 10%, the polymer particles are in good shape, the fine powder is less, and the resin products reach the superior standard.

The success of the industrial application test of BHL catalyst indicates that the catalyst technology developed by Beihua Institute has achieved full coverage in the domestic slurry polyethylene process field. In the next step, Beihua Institute will further deepen the cooperation with Zhongke Refining and Chemical in production, marketing and research, improve the quality of resin products, develop new resin products, and help Zhongke Refining and Chemical reduce costs and increase efficiency to achieve high-quality development.

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