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Since the beginning of this year, the Binnan oil production plant of Shengli Oilfield has paid close attention to the replenishment of oil and well water injection, long well stoppage and basic management, and the production and operation have shown a good trend of steady operation. In the first three months, the cumulative production of crude oil 486,600 tons, exceeding the plan of 3,757 tons.

Recharge the water, and let the formation power up

The remaining oil of Linlin 12 block is rich, but the viscosity of crude oil is high, the degree of plane use is low, the water well is "not injected", the oil well is "not produced". Since June 2023, the first oil production management area of Binnan Oil Production Plant has increased the water injection volume by 80 cubic meters per day, improved the production capacity of the oil well, and increased oil by 5.1 tons per day in the well 12-11 through increased energy injection, well group transfer and subdivided water injection.

"Stable production in the old area, good water injection and maintaining formation energy is the key." Said Zhu Jun, the district's development supervisor. After long-term exploitation of underground reservoir, the formation has a large hole and insufficient energy, so new energy needs to be added to "drive" the oil out. Water injection is an important means to supplement formation energy and enhance recovery.

To this end, the plant set up a leading group of water injection work, divided into reservoir development, process technology, well operation, project management four operating groups, this year completed 76 Wells, an increase of 2.2%, a daily increase of 1100 cubic meters of effective water injection. At the same time, on the basis of in-depth stratification, the water injection of Wells was increased by 210 cubic meters per day, and the cumulative oil increase was 302 tons. Production and injection well stoppage treatment were accelerated, with an increase of 550 cubic meters of water injection and 13 tons of oil per day, the injection and production corresponding rate steadily increased, and the natural decline rate of thin oil was effectively controlled.

Speed up the stop-work, so that the number of Wells opened more

At the end of February, the Zheng 36-1-Skew 5 well, which had been out of production for 11 years, came back to life at a peak of 15 tons of oil per day.

The well was shut down in July 2013 due to low production and low efficiency due to poor reservoir physical properties, high viscosity of crude oil and serious formation sand production. In January this year, through comprehensive analysis of geology, process, steam injection and operation, re-sand control and stoppage through overhaul, and process technology optimization, the oil increase effect of the well was remarkable.

With the extension of oilfield development time, some oil and water Wells are in a state of long-term shutdown due to geology, low production and low efficiency, casing deformation, diameter reduction, misfracture and other reasons, not only do not produce oil, no water, but also depreciation depletion, increase the full cost.

A long pit stop is a "burden", and it is a resource. In order to change the "burden" into resources, the plant sorted out the total number of long shutdowns, analyzed six aspects, including well formation potential, formation energy, process technology, wellbore condition, ground condition, and benefit of shutdowns, identified 460 Wells and 152 Wells with potential shutdowns, and formulated different shutdowns countermeasures.

In the first three months, the plant has stopped 45 oil Wells and added 3,559 tons of oil; There are 21 Wells with 1,584 cubic meters of water injected daily, with a cumulative increase of 96,000 cubic meters of water injection.

Strengthen management, let the "headache brain heat" down

On March 26, Qu Rui, the head of the fourth injection and production station in the area, led the staff to replace the belt and packing of the LFLN15P7 well and maintain the bolts and motors in accordance with the planned shutdown work arrangement. "After the statistical analysis of the district, it is judged that the service life of the belt is about 100 days, and then replace the belt after breaking, the average time is 55 minutes, and actively and planned replacement, the average time is 21 minutes, and the well can be stopped for 34 minutes less. "So we take the initiative to replace the belt when it is used for 90 days to reduce passive shutdowns and ensure oil recovery time," Qu Rui said.

The area strengthened the awareness of "time rate is production", and through predictable replacement of belt packing, planned well shutdown, and "one well and one policy" management, the oil recovery time rate increased to 99.8% in the first three months. "In order to produce more oil, the number of Wells should be opened, the rate of oil recovery should be high, and ways should be found to reduce the 'headache fever' of the oil well, so that the oil well will not stop producing more oil for years." The relevant person in charge of the district said.

To this end, the plant established a factor oil recovery time rate eva luation system, improve 23 basic management systems, including predictive replacement, planned well shutdown, working condition analysis, orderly recovery of production after shutdown, pay close attention to implementation, and promote the optimization of oil and water well operating parameters, production optimization, economic benefit maximization, thin oil lie rate is effectively controlled.

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