责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:543次    时间: 2024-04-17 12:04:18    | 来源:中国石油石化   


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In 2024, the consumption growth of the domestic refined oil market will return to normal, but the replacement scale will continue to expand, the supply will be more adequate and flexible, and the market will be more standardized and orderly. The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2023 emphasized that economic construction should be the center, high-quality development should be the primary task, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability with progress, first standing and then breaking, and non-economic policies should be included in the assessment of the consistency of macro policy orientation. In 2024, under the guidance of high-quality development, domestic economic macroeconomic policies will consolidate the foundation of economic recovery, and new quality productivity will drive the improvement of total factor productivity and enhance the new momentum of economic growth. It is expected that the domestic economy will continue to recover in 2024, with a year-on-year GDP growth rate of 5%, and the overall trend of "consumption, investment recovery, and export recovery" will be displayed. Consumption: stimulate the vitality of consumption and upgrade the consumption structure. First, new types of consumption such as digital consumption, green consumption and healthy consumption will be fostered and strengthened. Second, boost new energy vehicles, electronic products and other bulk consumption; Third, increase the income of urban and rural residents and improve the consumption environment. In 2024, China's income structure will gradually improve and release consumption potential, service consumption is still resilient, commodity consumption will pick up and drive the overall moderate recovery of consumption, and consumption growth will return to the historical center. It is estimated that China's total retail sales of consumer goods will increase by 6.3% in 2024. Investment: Expand profitable investments. First, infrastructure investment continued to increase. The supporting effect of additional issuance of national debt on infrastructure will continue to be released in 2024. If the general public budget deficit and new special bonds are combined to increase by another trillion yuan in 2024, traditional infrastructure will have a significant boost, and investment in new infrastructure such as electricity and information technology will continue to grow at a rapid pace. It is expected that the growth rate of broad infrastructure investment will reach more than 10% in 2024. Second, investment in the manufacturing sector grew steadily. In 2024, China and the United States will soon enter the replenishment area, and the scale of investment in key core technologies, energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction will expand, and it is expected that manufacturing investment will increase by 6.5% year-on-year. Third, the drag from real estate investment has weakened. To build a new model of real estate development as a breakthrough point, policies at multiple levels to boost market confidence. However, considering that residents' enthusiasm has not been fully mobilized and the demographic dividend has declined, it is expected that the growth rate of real estate investment will remain slightly negative. It is estimated that China's total fixed asset investment will increase by 5.3% year-on-year in 2024. Foreign trade: Both "going out" and "bringing in" are the new drivers of foreign trade. Global trade in goods continued to improve, US manufacturers and wholesalers began the replenishment cycle to expand imports, and imports and exports in emerging markets such as Central Asia, Africa and Latin America continued to grow rapidly, which boosted China's export trade. It is estimated that China's total exports will increase by 1% year-on-year in 2024. Economic growth needs energy to support it. The economic growth rate of about 5% in 2024 will become an important support for the total consumption of refined oil products in China to maintain the current scale or even further growth. In 2024, the accelerated development of new energy vehicles in China will further divide the growth rate of diesel and kerosene consumption. The consumption of gasoline, diesel oil and jet fuel in our country are in different development stages. Among them, China's gasoline consumption is at a low speed growth and is about to peak, diesel consumption is at a peak and stable decline, and jet fuel consumption is still in a rapid development period. From 2000 to 2019, China's kerosene consumption increased from 8.71 million tons to 36.73 million tons, with an average annual growth rate of about 7.9%. The large-scale development of new energy vehicles will further narrow the peak of gasoline consumption in our country and reduce diesel consumption. In 2024, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China is expected to reach 12 million, the ownership of 32 million, and the replacement volume of gasoline and diesel exceeds 20 million tons. In this context, China's gasoline consumption is expected to be 165 million tons in 2024, an increase of 1.3%. Affected by the transformation and upgrading of economic structure, rail and LNG replacement, China's diesel consumption is expected to be 196 million tons, down 2.8% year-on-year; Thanks to the recovery of tourism, kerosene consumption in China is expected to be 39.3 million tons, an increase of 13.1%.

The market easing pattern remains unchanged, and China's refining capacity will grow. It is expected that in 2024, the net domestic refining capacity will increase by 25 million tons/year, and the total refining capacity will reach 961 million tons/year. Among them, the new capacity of 31 million tons/year, mainly from Zhenhai Refining Phase II (11 million tons/year) and Jurong Island Petrochemical (20 million tons/year). If it is produced according to the plan, it is expected that the national crude oil processing capacity will be 752 million tons, an increase of 1.8%. The output of refined oil products was 451 million tons, up 1.6% year-on-year. Domestic refined oil production growth is still faster than demand, the market is relatively loose. In the next few years, the domestic planning and construction of several refining and chemical integration reconstruction and expansion projects will be put into operation at the same time, some capacity will be replaced and cleared, and the growth of refining capacity will basically end, but the problem of excess refining capacity still needs great attention and serious solution. On the one hand, the continuous and rapid development of the new energy automobile industry makes the demand for refined oil products peak soon, and it will shorten the peak platform period of refined oil consumption and show a rapid decline trend. On the other hand, "reducing oil and increasing" continues to advance, and the excess supply pressure of refined oil products may be alleviated, but the excess pressure is likely to be transmitted to bulk petrochemical products. In the long run, on the demand side, with the accelerated development of new energy vehicles, the peak of domestic refined oil consumption is approaching, and it is likely to fall quickly after reaching the peak; On the supply side, in the case of refining and chemical transformation and upgrading and equipment elimination and replacement, domestic supply remains sufficient and flexible. In this context, the domestic refined oil market will accelerate the reform, the market competition is more intense, the market main body is more diversified, and the market pattern is more standardized.

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