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TGE Marine助力完成江南造船2艘新建VLGC气试

2023-08-17近日,德国燃料气体系统供应商TGE Marine Gas Engineering公司完成了超大型气体运输船(VLGC)“Gas Neptune”号的气体海试。这是一个里程碑式的进展,标志着江南造船建造的系列2艘新船“Gas Neptune”号和“Gas Jupiter”号的完工和交付。TGE Marine公司为这2艘93000立方米LPG船的主机使用LPG供应燃料气体系统。7月28日..

土耳其RMK Marine船厂LNG动力驳船“Energy Stockholm”号下水

2023-07-247月11日,由土耳其RMK Marine船厂为Victrol和Sogestran的合资企业LNG Shipping建造的8000立方米尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!(LNG)动力驳船“Energy Stockholm”号顺利下水,该船将与壳牌尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!公司(Shell LNG B.V.)签订租船合同。该船被称为欧洲最大的内河LNG动力加注驳船,将在安特卫普-鹿特丹-阿姆斯特丹(ARA)地区进行加注作..

UASC, Qatargas and Shell join hands to develop LNG marine fuel

2016-12-12United Arab Shipping Company (UASC), Qatargas and Shell have signed a memorandum of understanding to explore the development of LNG as a marine fuel in the Middle East region.The three-way partnership will explore the development of new markets for LNG to be used as propulsion fuel within the Mid..

West Coast project to show way for LNG use in Canada's marine sector

2013-06-03A joint industry project focused on the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the West Coast aims to identify and address barriers for LNG as a marine fuel in Canada. The estimated $1.2 million project involves 17 participating organizations including Port Metro Vancouver, BC Ferries, Seaspan, an..