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尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!电话Tel: 19550540085: QQ号: 929496072 or 邮箱Email: Lng@vip.qq.com



中海油浙江LNG三期接收站工程建设6台27万m³储罐单台直径达100.6米,高度约65米,内部容积相当于 614 个标准游泳池,可同时叠放 3 架 C919 大飞机,项目建成后与浙江LNG一期、二期联通,同步在原有码头基础上改造一座26.6万m³ LNG专用码头和工作码头,实现气态和液态外输600万吨/年规模,助力浙江省优化能源结构,促进区域环境和经济的协调尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!具有十分重要的尊龙凯时·(中国)人生就是搏!战略意义。

The completion of the lifting of the 3# storage tank is the largest sitting LNG storage tank under construction in China at present. The vault of the storage tank is composed of 12 large vault blocks, 12 small vault blocks and the center ring. The weight of the vault structure is about 709.4 tons, the span of a single vault piece is 45.7 meters, and the weight of a single piece of the large vault is 38.2 tons. The lifting adopts piecewise lifting, welding combination in the tank, the use of 260 tons of crawler crane, 400 tons of crawler crane main crane, through the crane constantly changing, lifting hook, walking, adjusting, to ensure that the lifting process is stable, orderly and efficient.

Cnooc Zhejiang LNG Phase III receiving station construction of 6 270,000 m³ storage tanks with a diameter of 100.6 meters, a height of about 65 meters, the internal volume is equivalent to 614 standard swimming pools, can be stacked at the same time 3 C919 large aircraft, after the completion of the project with Zhejiang LNG phase I and II unicom. Simultaneously transform a 266,000 m³ LNG special terminal and working terminal on the basis of the original terminal to achieve 6 million tons of gas and liquid export per year, help Zhejiang Province optimize the energy structure, and promote the coordinated development of regional environment and economy has very important development strategic significance.

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